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Finding the perfect job is hard. You'll need a list of skills to put on your resume, but you can never be sure which qualifications are most important to employers or whether you're listing too much or not enough information. The following list of 99 critical skills for a resume should help you determine what qualities hiring managers to seek when reading resumes.

In addition to these examples, keep in mind that writing a professional resume takes time and expertise; there are many different ways these skills could be written depending on your style and goals. If this isn't something you feel comfortable doing on your own, consider consulting an expert or using this as a guideline while working with a writer/editor. What follows are valuable ideas worth noting when putting together your resume.

How to Use 99 Key Skills for a Resume

The list below contains 99 skills that we've gathered from different places. Each skill is followed by a number in brackets, corresponding with the numbers listed at the bottom of this article. The idea is to read each skill description and find out where your skills match these examples. Once you've found one or more matches, add them to your resume using the corresponding numbers as a guide. If there are no exact matches, use these descriptions as inspiration when listing other skills on your resume. Note: some of the following words have slightly different meanings depending on your line of work; where applicable, we've added our definitions next to each entry so you can better judge whether or not they would fit on your resume.

The List: 99 Key Soft Skills for a Resume

1. Able to work under pressure [99/10] - The ability to operate in stressful situations and deliver quality results despite the chaos around you.

2. Passionate about art [90/35, 60+/15] - Being able to talk about your technical skills and your creative side (for jobs in advertising or design).

3. Outgoing personality [55/30, 59/15, 50+/5] - An innate social nature that tends to inspire others around you and make them want to engage with you on other levels (for jobs in sales or customer service).

4. Passionate for discovery [50+/5] - Showing genuine curiosity in your work and a desire to seek out new information and learn on the job.

5. Passionate about helping others [50+/5] - An internal drive to aid those around you and help them overcome challenges; this is different from being empathetic but demonstrates an honest desire to take care of those who come into contact with you (for jobs as a teacher, mentor, counsellor, etc.)

6. Positive attitude [45+/20, 50+/10] – The ability to maintain a positive outlook even when others are frustrated or upset; employers like to see that you're able to get along with people despite any external pressures (for jobs in sales or customer service).

7. Seek constructive criticism [55+/20, 50+/10] - Not everything can be done by yourself; you can understand feedback from others and use it to improve your work (for jobs in design, related fields).

8. Self-starter [50+/5] – The ability to stay motivated on your own without needing constant supervision or excessive amounts of guidance; doing what needs to get done regardless of how you're feeling or what the circumstances are (for jobs that require little oversight such as computer programming).

9. Strong work ethic [30+/-5, 70+/-15] – Showing a commitment to excellence through hard work and diligence; if this is already a part of your daily routine, then there's no need to list it (for jobs in sales, customer service, etc.)

10. Strong organisation skills [50+/5] - An ability to keep track of multiple tasks and goals while organising your time accordingly; employers want people who can stay on top of their work without getting overwhelmed by the details (for jobs in accounting, office management, etc.).

11. Takes initiative [30+/-5] – The desire to take responsibility for your actions and do what needs to get done without having a supervisor step in to guide you or offer reminders; an internal motivation that drives your behaviour rather than external factors like the need for recognition or praise from others (for jobs where independent operation is expected such as sales representatives).

12. Team-player mentality [50+/-5] – The ability to work with others despite personal differences and maintain a positive outlook about the work you do together (for jobs where teamwork is essential such as teaching, nursing, social work).

13. Takes feedback well [55+/20] – An openness to constructive criticism that allows you to use it constructively towards your improvement; employers like seeing employees who can improve themselves while staying humble at the same time (for jobs in customer service or similar positions).

14. Trustworthy [30+/-5] – A willingness to follow through on tasks given to you and keep the information confidential even when the situation calls for confidentiality (for jobs in accounting, legal fields, etc.).

15. Unique perspective [30+/-5] – Showing that you're able to see issues and problems from a unique standpoint that others might not normally consider (for jobs in design, engineering, etc.).

16. Well-rounded life [30/0] - Maintaining a variety of interests and hobbies outside of work; employers like seeing employees with passions for pastimes other than their field because it shows them as someone with higher levels of self-fulfilment who can bring this energy into the workplace (for jobs in customer service).

17. Willingness to learn new things [50+/-10] - An openness to improving yourself personally and professionally through experience and education; an eagerness to grow your skillset at all costs even if you don't like the job you're currently doing (for jobs that require a high amount of new learning like in sales or IT).

18. Willingness to take on responsibilities [40+/0] – Showing a commitment to finishing tasks and getting things done even when you'd otherwise prefer not to; employers like seeing employees who are willing to do what needs to be done regardless of how they feel (for jobs in customer service, retail, etc.).

19. Workaholic [30+/-5] – The ability to maintain long hours at work without showing signs of fatigue or stress; employers want people who constantly put their best effort into their work and show no decline in performance over time (for jobs where long shifts are expected such as sales, customer service, etc.).

20. Work experience [20+/-5] – Demonstrating the amount of time that you've held previous jobs; employers like seeing that you're a competent worker who has already been through the hiring process before (for entry-level positions).

21. Works with little supervision [30+/-10] – An ability to work independently without needing constant guidance and reminders from supervisors; employers want employees who can do their tasks without needing someone looking over their shoulder every step of the way (for jobs in IT support, engineering, management, etc.).

22. Worldly experiences [50/0] - Experience travelling or living abroad in regions outside of your country continent; employers like seeing employees who are well-travelled and know other cultures because it shows them as someone with progressive thoughts which can bring this culture to the workplace (for jobs in sales, accounting, etc.).

23. Young at heart [50+/-5] – An enthusiasm for life that keeps you from appearing bored or lethargic; an appreciation of things outside of your job and work environment that brings you joy and a positive outlook about the future (for jobs where interaction with others is essential such as teaching, customer service, etc.).

24. Strong communication skills [30/0] - Capable of conveying complex ideas in written and verbal language regardless of how complicated they are; a high level of literacy that allows information to be easily understood; an articulate stance that can deal with others appropriately irrespective of the situation (for jobs in sales, customer service, etc.).

25. Interest in helping others [10/0] – A concern for how your actions impact other people and showing a desire to help them even if it means putting yourself at risk (for jobs as firefighters, social workers, etc.).

26. Willingness to admit fault [20/0] – Showing that you have integrity and aren't afraid to take responsibility for your actions even when they're unpopular; an honesty about personalities flaws and mistakes because they are essential parts of who you are (for jobs in management or law enforcement).

27. Team oriented person [30+/-5] – Someone who works well in groups and can share their ideas with others without showing signs of resentment; someone who accepts the value of other people even though they may not get any attention (for jobs as a team player within a group).

28. Sociable [20/0] – Someone who is at ease when dealing with strangers, friends and coworkers alike; able to make conversation smoothly regardless of how familiar the person is or what situation you're in (for jobs in retail, customer service, teaching, etc.).

29. Outgoing [10+/-5] – A natural ability to put yourself out there and show that you're open to new experiences; an extroverted personality that puts other people at ease around you because they feel like you're someone they can trust (for jobs in retail, sales, etc.).

30. Team player [40+/-5] – A dedication to helping the group you're part of succeeding and make sure your co-workers all have a hand in activities; willing to sacrifice your desires for the greater good of others because it shows that teamwork is essential (for jobs in management or education).

31. Leader [10/0] – Someone who organises groups and helps them reach their potential with little guidance from supervisors, managing projects efficiently without needing constant help from others (for jobs as managers, teachers, etc.).

32. Good manners [20/0] – Knowing how to be polite regardless of how complicated the situation may be; a willingness to offer assistance and contribute without needing constant direction (for jobs in customer service, teaching, etc.).

33. Personal responsibility [10/0] – Someone who is capable of dealing with adverse situations that come up without showing signs of depression or anger; someone who can accept when they've made mistakes and move on from them (for jobs in business management and education).

34. Up for any challenge [20+/-5] - Accepting tasks that would typically make others uncomfortable because you want to show your potential; not shrinking away from activities even if they're intimidating (for jobs in leadership roles).

35. Urgency [15/0] – Being able to act quickly when problems arise, and the need for immediate solutions are required; prioritising and assessing situations rapidly to decide whether or not to work (for jobs in customer service, law enforcement, etc.).

36. Honest [30/0] - Capable of telling the truth regardless of what others think about it; someone who isn't afraid to point out mistakes and bad behaviour among coworkers (for jobs as a manager, social worker, etc.).

37. Enthusiasm [10/0] – Showing you're happy when doing whatever task you've been assigned no matter how boring or uneventful it may be because you're dedicated to finishing your job well (for jobs delivering packages, working in retail stores).

38. Optimism [20/0] – A positive attitude and a willingness to see the world in a positive light even when others can't; someone who always tries to look on the bright side even if things are wrong (for jobs in customer service, teaching, etc.).

39. Fun [10+/-5] - Someone who knows how to have fun with people without being inappropriate or over-the-top because you know how far is too far (for jobs as a teacher, coach).

40. Lovable and likeable [20/+/-5] – Showing that you're approachable and accessible for other people to talk to because they feel comfortable talking with you about personal problems (for jobs in sales, retail).

41. Having common sense [10+/-5] – Knowing what is and isn't appropriate behaviour in different situations; knowing the difference between right and wrong regardless of how much peer pressure you're facing (for jobs working with kids, counselling).

42. Adaptable to change [20/0] – Able to remain calm when dealing with changes that are out of your control rather than panicking or going into an emotional rage because things have changed unexpectedly. 43. Sense of humour [30/0] - Making people laugh by telling jokes or making funny comments about different things around you even if others don't find them amusing; able to use humour as a way to alleviate stress from complex tasks that need doing (for jobs teaching students, customer service).

44. Passionate [20/0] – Showing that you're excited about whatever you're doing at the time, whether it's work or personal, because your enthusiasm can rub off on others (for jobs in sales, marketing).

45. Patient [30+/-5] - Someone who isn't easily angered and takes their time whenever they know something needs to be done carefully.

46. Eagerness to learn new things [15/+/-5] – Whether it's a new language or how to use a new piece of technology, eagerness to show that you want to learn more no matter what life throws at you (for jobs as teachers, coaches).

47. Keeping cool under pressure [20/0] – Maintaining self-control and not becoming emotional when dealing with problems, tasks or individuals; able to think clearly when those around you are panicking (for jobs in law enforcement, social work).

48. Willingness to go the extra mile [20/+/-5] - Showing that you're committed to a job regardless of whether it's on an hourly wage or salary because it shows your enthusiasm for what you're doing; always doing little favours without expecting something in return.

49. Understanding of others' feelings [10+/-5] – Being sensitive toward other people's emotions and knowing how much pressure is too much to put on them; showing that you care about others even if they don't express their thoughts readily (for jobs as teachers, doctors, nurses).

50. Diplomacy [20/+/-5] – Someone who can solve disputes in a calm and collected manner rather than staying quiet like a mouse or openly arguing with others (for jobs working security, customer service).

51. Passion for life [30/0] - Excitement about whatever you're doing at the time because people have different interests that will always be there no matter how bad their lives may seem; knowing what makes your life worth living (for jobs as teachers and social workers).

52. Appreciation of differences [10+/-5] – Being open-minded about other cultures, religions and lifestyles even if you disagree with them; able to get along with anyone regardless of what they look like or where they're from (for jobs as teachers, customer service).

53. Taking charge of situations [10/+/-5] – Being assertive about how things should be done because you know what needs to get the job done, and if people are around who don't want to do it right, then you'll take over until the problem is resolved; not letting yourself be pushed around by anyone else.

54. Respecting authority [20/0] - Showing you know what's expected from you and how to behave in different scenarios; being on time for meetings, events and appointments even when your superiors aren't there.

55. Flexibility in decision making [15/+/-5] – Being able to change your mind whenever you need to without feeling that you've made a mistake; being open-minded about suggestions from someone who may have more experience than yourself (for jobs as teachers, customer service).

56. Mentoring others [30/0] - Showing that you know what needs to be done and can teach other people how to do it so they don't make the same mistakes again; providing support for those who don't have anyone else they can turn to when things get difficult (for jobs teaching kids, working with hospital patients).

57. Loyalty [20/+/-5] – Maintaining a strong bond with an employer or client because if someone is always in their corner no matter what, then they'll always be there for them too; showing that you can be trusted to do a good job whenever something needs to be done.

58. Making quick decisions [10/+/-5] - Someone who never seems to have doubts about the right thing to do in every situation or how to deal with problems properly because they're able to see what's coming before it happens even when others are left wondering what will happen next (for jobs as customer service reps).

59. Emotional intelligence [20/0] - Acknowledging your emotions and knowing how best to handle them without letting anything get out of control; recognising the emotion behind other people's words and actions so that you can react appropriately.

60. Communication skills [30/0] - Being able to express yourself clearly and convincingly so that the person you're talking to understands what you mean immediately; being able to calmly listen without interrupting so that someone else feels comfortable speaking (for jobs as teachers, customer service).

61. Passion for learning [30/+/-5] – A desire to find out more about something even if it's not directly related to your job because knowledge is always helpful whether you need it or not; working on improving your skills every day just for personal development (for jobs as teachers, librarians).

62. Determination [20/+/-5] – A willingness to keep trying whenever something goes wrong regardless of how long it may take because you're confident that you'll eventually figure it out or find a workaround; being able to stay focused despite difficulties and distractions.

63. Attention to detail [30/+/-5] – Someone who always gets things right the first time without having to do them again because they know what needs to be done correctly even if no one else does; able to focus on whatever's most important at work (for jobs as customer service).

64. Interpersonal skills [20/0] - Maintaining positive relationships with all types of people, whether they're your coworkers, friends, family or superiors because knowing how to get along with others is necessary for any job (for jobs as teachers, customer service).

65. Problem-solving [10/+/-5] - Being able to figure out how to do something without having any instructions or help because you're able to put things together that are missing and find a workaround when part of something is broken; getting rid of bad habits (for jobs as teachers, customer service).

66. Time management [30/0] - Working on multiple projects at the same time while keeping track of everything so that deadlines aren't missed; being able to balance your work with your personal life; being on time for whatever event you have even if it's not related to work.

67. High energy level [20/+/-5] – Someone who never seems like they need a break from work no matter how long their shift might be because they're able to stay focused and active throughout the entire time; high-stress tolerance (for jobs as customer service).

68. Self-motivation [20/+/-5] – A desire to work hard on your own because you know that someone may get upset if they have to do everything themselves, knowing how difficult something is without needing help to push yourself even further (for jobs as teachers).

69. Patience [10/0] - Someone who's never in a rush or has trouble controlling their temper because they're willing to take things one step at a time instead of rushing straight into finishing what needs to be done (for jobs working with kids).

70. Healthy eating habits [10/+/-5] – Someone who doesn't overeat junk food or drink soda because they know that it's not the best thing for their body; managing your weight to don't become overweight (for jobs teachers, customer service).

71. Self-discipline [20/+/-5] – A willingness to work hard even when you'd be able to get away with doing something easier just because you know going the easy route isn't always the right one; being able to stick with a diet and exercise plan to maintain fitness (for jobs working with kids).

72. Conflict resolution [10/0] - Being able to understand both sides of an argument before deciding how best to move forward so that no one's feelings are hurt; doing what you can to avoid getting into fights (for jobs as teachers, customer service).

73. Adaptability [10/+/-5] – Being able to do things differently when something unexpected happens to continue doing them successfully because if you stuck to your original plan, then it might not have worked out the same way; changing plans when necessary (for jobs as teachers, customer service).

74. Organization skills [10/+/-5] - Someone who always knows where their stuff is without needing any help from someone else because they're able to keep everything well organised; knowing how best to set up a workspace so that work gets done quickly and efficiently.

75. Self-motivation [20/+/-5] – A desire to work hard on your own because you know that someone may get upset if they have to do everything themselves, knowing how difficult something is without needing help to push yourself even further (for jobs as teachers).

76. High energy level [20/+/-5] – Someone who never seems like they need a break from work no matter how long their shift might be because they're able to stay focused and active throughout the entire time; high-stress tolerance (for jobs as customer service).

77. Social skills [10/0] - Having a wide network of friends and family across all ages groups; getting along with people well enough so that you can learn new things from them; knowing how to get the most out of any conversation; being able to find common ground with someone else.

78. Listening skills [10/+/-5] - Being able to understand what someone else is trying to say and then replying in a way that's positive and helpful because you've thought about your replies ahead of time instead of simply saying whatever comes to mind without really understanding what the other person is telling you.

79. Good communication skills [20/0] - Someone who knows how best to communicate using details, visuals, or gestures so that they can make themselves understood by others easily without coming off as rude; writing well enough so that people who read it have no trouble figuring out what you're trying to say; voice projection and tone so that you can be heard easily even over a loud environment.

80. Ability to work under pressure [20/+/-5] – Doing well enough at work without having someone constantly looking over your shoulder; doing what needs to be done to reach the deadline no matter how tired you are; being able to maintain their calm while talking with people who are upset about something or may have had one too many drinks (for jobs as teachers).

81. Leadership skills [10/0] - Someone who knows how best to organise other people because they've helped other groups of people do things before or help them feel like they're part of a team instead of just working alone on a project; knowing when it's time to decide so that everyone knows what they need to be doing (for jobs as teachers, customer service).

82. Ability to work well with others [10/+/-5] – Someone who can work together with other people without feeling like they're going against one another; doing whatever it takes to reach the same goal even if you don't agree with all of the decisions made on the way there because you know it's better than giving up early; knowing how best to take part in a group project so that everyone has an equal share in making it successful (for jobs as teachers) .

83. Good memory [10/0] - Having an excellent memory that allows them to recall people's names, what they like about certain things without having to ask their friends or family, important dates and times; knowing lots of different facts; being able to remember the details needed to follow through with any project (for jobs as customer service).

84. Ability to write well [20/+/-5] – Someone who doesn't have a problem putting together various sentences and paragraphs into something worthwhile because they've practised so much on their own time; someone who knows how best to put down information without running out of space or needing someone else's help because they're able to get down everything the first time around (for jobs as customer service, teachers).

85. Punctual [10/0] - Being able to get places on time or as close to it as possible; being able to give people the delivery times they need so that everyone is happy with the way everything works out; keeping your promises no matter what (for jobs as customer service).

86. Computer skills [10/+/-5] – Someone who knows how to use technology well enough so that they can keep up with current trends and updates without having anyone show them how when there's a problem; knowing how to use email, instant messaging, and social media without making mistakes in wording or accidentally posting something they shouldn't have yet (for jobs as customer service).

87. Ability to multitask [10/+/-5] - Someone who knows how to do multiple things at once without getting overwhelmed or distracted; being able to stay on track and complete every task even when other people are waiting, distracting you, or asking for help (for jobs as customer service).

88. Ability to get along with all kinds of people [20/0] – Someone who isn't intolerant of any nationality, religion, political party, age group, gender group, sexual orientation; someone who can make friends easily because they have no problem talking to anyone they meet about various topics that aren't too personal.

Final Thoughts

Here you go! These are some of the game changer phrases that you can use or should know. Did we miss out on anything?

Let us know in the comments!

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